The Foots Connected Too...

Midtarsal (Global)
Grasp the calcaneus along the medial side in one hand and pronate the subtalar joint to end range of motion.

Grasp across the mid-foot with your contralateral hand. Range the OMJA and LMJA separately to assess available motion qualitatively around both axes.

Assess for ligamentous feel at the end range of motion, determine if it is spongy vs. solid. Also, assess total range of motion, as compared to your overall clinical population, contrasting experiential evaluations of mid-foot motions presented by other patients.

Midtarsal (Integrity)
Grasp the calcaneus along the medial side in one hand and supinate the subtalar joint to end range of motion. Grasp the cuboid between your index finger and thumb of your contralateral hand. Range the OMJA at the cuboid to assess available motion.

Grasp the calcaneus along the lateral side in one hand and supinate the subtalar joint to end range of motion. Grasp the navicular between your index finger and thumb of your contralateral hand, resting your other fingers and ulnar immanence along the 1st metatarsal. Range the LMJA at the navicular to assess available motion.

If detection of a change in range of motion is difficult, pronate the subtalar joint and retest to differentiate midtarsal locking and unlocking.

When the subtalar joint is maximally supinated, motion at the OMJA should be completely suppressed and motion at the LMJA should be significantly suppressed, which is a positive finding for midtarsal stability.


Midtarsal Joint - Global




Midtarsal Joint - Integrity